5 Benefits of MPS therapy

What is MPS therapy

MPS stands for Microcurrent Point Stimulation, a new FDA approved therapy that combines the principles of acupuncture and neurology with technology

MPS is used as “battlefield acupuncture” by soldiers for quick pain relief.


With an integrative approach, a unique neurostimulator combined with myofascial techniques, addresses three body systems simultaneously; nervous, musculoskeletal and the endocrine system.


  1. Calm the autonomic nervous system by stimulating points in the wrists and ankles that  release endorphins reducing pain and creating a calming effect.    
  2. Address scar tissue, freeing fascial restrictions.
  3. Relieve nerve root entrapment along the spine freeing neural pathways.  
  4. Achieve structural realignment by releasing the low back and sacrum.  
  5. Address emotions through the limbic system. Chronic pain creates intense emotional states that in turn intensify pain cycles, increasing anxiety, therefore inducing a sense of hopelessness.


  • Fibromyalgia, Shingles, Bell’s Palsy, Vertigo, TMJ and tension migraines.
  • Plantar fasciitis, Sciatic Pain, Shin splints and carpal tunnel
  • Frozen shoulder. Rotator cuff pain, Repetitive Strain and use injuries.
  • Sports injuries. muscle strain and muscle cramps.
  • Postoperative pain and scar release.

Image: Terry Owens applying MPS Therapy for plantar fasciitis.

Text (931) 335-2866 to schedule an MPS Therapy Session. MPS Therapy is also available as a component in our Healing Arts Massage.


3 Benefits Deep Tissue Massage


Deep tissue is often confused with deep pressure. Deep pressure massage means a constant, strong pressure throughout the session. Deep tissue massage can indeed have a significant amount of pressure behind certain techniques but deep tissue always has a goal.

It is used on ailments like chronic pain, recovery from injuries, limited mobility, postural correction and muscle tension or spasm among others. Once someone receives a deep tissue massage from a well-trained and experienced therapist, they will usually prefer it over other types of massage. This is because In deep tissue massage there is less emphasis on pleasure as the primary goal and more emphasis on altering structure and muscle restrictions. This not to say that the work is not pleasurable. Most clients, once accustomed to the benefits of deep tissue work, prefer the increased degree of relaxation, the alleviation of pain, and the longer lasting benefits. Let’s take a closer at the three major benefits of deep tissue massage.

  1. The Alleviation of pain. When someone comes to our clinic in pain the first step is an assessment. An experienced practitioner can accomplish this in just a few minutes, with a well thought-out intake form and an intuitive “reading” of how the client is “presenting” themselves at the first session. The assessment actually continues throughout the session because of the sensitivity of the therapists hands.Therapeutic,clinical, medical, healing arts and deep tissue massage are all     appropriate terms when the objective is to alleviate pain. A simple definition of deep tissue work is the understanding of the layers of the body, and the ability to work with tissue in these layers to relax, lengthen, and release holding patterns in the most effective and energy efficient way possible.

  1. Bringing about better posture. Again, evaluating posture is part of the ongoing assessment process. Pain and postural issues just go together. Clients are surprised to discover that their neck pain can be coming from a shifted pelvis due to a shortened gluteal muscle on one side that leaves the other side overstressed. In turn the same distortion is reflected at the top of the spine straining neck muscles.

  1. More flexibility and fluid movement. Every area of our body contains the connective tissue called fascia. It holds things together while allowing for movement. Shortened muscles along with fascial issues, restrict fluid and painless mobility. This is where specific deep tissue work really shines to restore fluid and painless movement.

The many who associate “no pain-no gain” to deep tissue massage fall into two camps. One group fear and avoid its benefits because someone told them that they will be sore for days or even become sick due to the so called “toxins” it can release. The other  group believe that unless the treatment is painful it cannot be effective enough to get the results they are looking for, hence, “no pain-no gain.

Neither has to be the case. At our clinic we have the training and experience to make your experience not only effective, but deeply relaxing and enjoyable as well.

Text (931) 335-2866 to schedule or if you have questions about Deep Tissue Massage;. Text or Call (931) 335-2866 or email me at Or Email me at terryowens714gmail.com

Acknowledgements: Much of the information in this article came from Deep Tissue Massage by Art Riggs. Published by North Atlantic Book

Cranial Sacral Therapy

Is based on the concept that there is a rhythmic wave of inherent motion along the spine most easily palpated by the therapist in the cranial and sacral areas.

The therapists evaluates this wave and applies corrective pressure to the skull and sacral areas to restore the wave to normal symmetry, rhythm and amplitude.

This technique has a reputation of helping with tinnitus, jaw pain and headaches.

Terry may choose to integrate this technique into a massage based on your needs and goals.

Text (931) 335-2866 to schedule or if you have questions about Cranial Sacral Therapy. or email me at Or Email me at terryowens714gmail.com


All services are by appointment only from 9am to 7pm every day.

All sessions are reserved with credit card information, a 24 hour notice of cancellation is required or the full amount for the reserved will be charged.



The Healing Protocol integrates multiple techniques, modatities and approaches of massage, body work, energy work and movement awareness.

In the Healing Ars Protocol, all techniques and strategies are valuable and certain modalities are specific treatments for different types of injuries, pain and dysfunction. Using different techniques therapists can expect two major factors in their work (1) their hands can provide healing arts treatments to others and (2) their presence can influence the well-being of both the client and therapist.

With presence, verbal interaction can help clients by talking less about muscles, and more about grace, poise and posture. For example, healing arts therapist tend not to see a client as an individual with a limp, sway back or other ailment; but as an individual with a unique set of circumstances and lifestyle conditions.

With this in mind, healing arts therapists are able to work with individuals in a way that empowers clients to change )e.g., movement awareness and wellness coaching). Treatment Outcome may be more beneficial because the client is given the space and control to change his or her behavior and thus can heal better and faster. In a medical example, a physician can set two bone fragments in place, bur the body itself finally heals the broken bones; the physician simply directs and facilitates the process.

The Healing Arts Protocol works in a very similar way, requiring full engagement of the therapist and the client. The Healing Arts Protocol is simply a logical, common sense treatment protocol. The intent is to use both Eastern and Western techniques together in one logical treatment and procedure. With the Healing Arts Protocol, massage and bodywork, pluss energy work and wellness coaching become one.

The Healing Arts Protocol relies upon the basic premise that a muscle can do one of two things, shorten or lengthen. Overuse will shorten muscles and lengthen the antagonist producing unhealthy muscles. Trauma, injury, bad posture, bad body mechanics, sedentary lifestyles, poor eating habits and age are just some of the factors that affect the weakness of muscles. Further, every individual exhibits a unique set of stress characteristics, psycho-sociological patterns and personality traits that accumulate into muscle tension. Stress builds up in human bodies over hours, days and years causing shortened muscles resulting in knots, pain and loss of function. Muscles tend to lengthen with massage and bodywork, activity, stretching, good nutrition and fitness.

Typically, shortened muscles need to be treated with massage four times more often than longer, relaxed muscles to facilitate repair, normal length and restored range of motion. Further, Healing Arts Protocol treatments are a working cooperation between therapist and client incorporating energy work and movement coaching.

Healing Arts Therapist are Trained above and beyond what they received in massage school.

The Key to the Healing Arts Protocol is to know which muscles and attachment points to work on to regain functionality, promote healing and reduce pain. The healing Arts Protocol treatment requires the massage and bodywork therapist ot have a working knowledge of several different techniques, advanced palpation skills and an intuitive treatment element in their hands. Further, the therapist needs to control several variables, including order, rhythm, rate, pressure, direction and duration, In this protocol, all forms of massage and bodywork can be used including western/eastern massage, energy work and movement awareness. With each technique, the therapist needs to absorb what is useful, reject what is useless and add something special of their own. A therapists must determine which techniques will be most useful in each unique client situation.


I have seen firsthand how this approach has helped Clients alleviate and long-standing physical conditions, and gain relief from discomfort, dysfunction and anxiety. Some clients have had tears of joy when they see the results of their treatment in the mirror or walk without pain. For example By reducing pain and increasing range of motion, a 71-year-old woman with back pain returned to walking and playing golf without surgery. In a different case a client returned to tennis competition after a career ending shoulder injury. One 79 year old man amazed his surgeon with the speed of his scar healing.


Q: Why is the fee higher for this treatment?

A: It takes expensive training and years to master this approach.

Q: Do you offer hardship or other Discounts?

A: Yes, by prepaying for 10 hours you can save $200. A credit card can be used and the package does not expire as being transferable. More important, You can more easily schedule sessions as they are recommended or needed.

Q: Can this treatment be performed through clothes?

A: Yes, because of the varied modalities at the disposal of the therapist.

Please feel free to email me if you would like to discuss your possible treatment by clicking here. terryowens714@gmail.com