3 Benefits Deep Tissue Massage


Deep tissue is often confused with deep pressure. Deep pressure massage means a constant, strong pressure throughout the session. Deep tissue massage can indeed have a significant amount of pressure behind certain techniques but deep tissue always has a goal.

It is used on ailments like chronic pain, recovery from injuries, limited mobility, postural correction and muscle tension or spasm among others. Once someone receives a deep tissue massage from a well-trained and experienced therapist, they will usually prefer it over other types of massage. This is because In deep tissue massage there is less emphasis on pleasure as the primary goal and more emphasis on altering structure and muscle restrictions. This not to say that the work is not pleasurable. Most clients, once accustomed to the benefits of deep tissue work, prefer the increased degree of relaxation, the alleviation of pain, and the longer lasting benefits. Let’s take a closer at the three major benefits of deep tissue massage.

  1. The Alleviation of pain. When someone comes to our clinic in pain the first step is an assessment. An experienced practitioner can accomplish this in just a few minutes, with a well thought-out intake form and an intuitive “reading” of how the client is “presenting” themselves at the first session. The assessment actually continues throughout the session because of the sensitivity of the therapists hands.Therapeutic,clinical, medical, healing arts and deep tissue massage are all     appropriate terms when the objective is to alleviate pain. A simple definition of deep tissue work is the understanding of the layers of the body, and the ability to work with tissue in these layers to relax, lengthen, and release holding patterns in the most effective and energy efficient way possible.

  1. Bringing about better posture. Again, evaluating posture is part of the ongoing assessment process. Pain and postural issues just go together. Clients are surprised to discover that their neck pain can be coming from a shifted pelvis due to a shortened gluteal muscle on one side that leaves the other side overstressed. In turn the same distortion is reflected at the top of the spine straining neck muscles.

  1. More flexibility and fluid movement. Every area of our body contains the connective tissue called fascia. It holds things together while allowing for movement. Shortened muscles along with fascial issues, restrict fluid and painless mobility. This is where specific deep tissue work really shines to restore fluid and painless movement.

The many who associate “no pain-no gain” to deep tissue massage fall into two camps. One group fear and avoid its benefits because someone told them that they will be sore for days or even become sick due to the so called “toxins” it can release. The other  group believe that unless the treatment is painful it cannot be effective enough to get the results they are looking for, hence, “no pain-no gain.

Neither has to be the case. At our clinic we have the training and experience to make your experience not only effective, but deeply relaxing and enjoyable as well.

Text (931) 335-2866 to schedule or if you have questions about Deep Tissue Massage;. Text or Call (931) 335-2866 or email me at Or Email me at terryowens714gmail.com

Acknowledgements: Much of the information in this article came from Deep Tissue Massage by Art Riggs. Published by North Atlantic Book